Some companies are exploiting the "wellness trend" while others are hiding and obscuring the real causes of disease. The food industry, chemical industries, agriculture industries, and even banking and tech industries would like you to believe the false promise that their products are going to save us from disease and death. All that money, trillions of dollars, has momentum. Healthcare is another juggernaut that feeds on our ignorance of the real causes of disease. So I think we need to look past all the hype, marketing and propaganda that's spewing out from mainstream media, bought and paid for by the companies that want you to be unaware of their agenda to keep you sick and in need of their products. We have seen an explosion of chronic diseases lately, which is good for business but requires a brainwashed, compliant, lazy population to sustain itself.

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It the wealthy want to spend their money on things, it does not matter if others are priced out of the market. Capitalism ensures those services and products which are useful will have a rapid price decrease as the market scales up for them. If it wasn't for the wealthy buying the first automobiles, we would still be looking at a horses ass end. Though, don't fool oneself, horses have always been a luxury of the upper middle classes and upwards as well.

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Its downright laughable. I'm hoping most of these folks believed injecting themselves with poison was a wellness choice and if they survive that absurdity along with the continuous poisoning of our global food supply, air and water they will be harvested for energy like the dumbass batteries they have been augmented into becoming

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I actually applaud the enterprising souls that find a way to extract large amounts of money from people that have more money than sense. Want to inject yourself with IV solutions because you are not smart enough to drink water? Be my guest. Want to spend nearly the mean annual income to feel pampered? Why not? <snarky sarcasm> "You deserve it!". Want to throw away $38,000 a month on an apartment to feel privileged? Great. I don't want someone that stupid for a neighbor anyway.

It also protects the public. The doctors that are willing to be so unscrupulous to provide these kinds of services are not attending the needs of patients who actually need care.

I have nothing against rich people on principle. The vast majority of them are not stupid enough to waste their money on crap like that.

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What is also occurring is pharma companies are buying up nutritional supplement companies. Really sad to see some of these companies sell out to pharma. I'm sure they made a good profit but what will happen to the quality of the product? Pharma is a hungry , insatiable beast that never has enough money or control.

I think one key to happiness is keeping life simple, I agree with what you wrote.

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Yes, the pharma buyout of supplement companies is very concerning. They are already making it increasingly difficult to access some supplements in places like Canada, UK, and New Zealand.

One other alarming aspect of this whole "wellness economy" is the finding from a McKinsey study that consumers don't actually really care about clean or all-natural ingredients. That ranked last on a list of factors that influence purchasing decisions.


Instead, people want things that are either "clinically proven" or "doctor recommended".

Here's McKinsey's advice to brands on that front:

"Companies can boost the clinical credibility of their products by using clinically tested ingredients, running third-party research studies on their products, securing recommendations from healthcare providers and scientists, and building a medical board that weighs in on product development."

We all know what happens when companies run their own research studies on their products and get "experts" to vouch that they are "safe and effective." The Science™ has spoken.

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Yes, this trend is sad. I live in the U.S. but go to Canada often to see family. What's happening up there is alarming

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