The playbook is obvious. Our so-called public health officials are warning about new diseases waiting to take you down. We suggest you keep calm and carry on.
The Bird Flu scenario is a recyling of an old attempt to inject. In Britain so many people refused to get a jab of Tamiflu the batches purchased by the government ran out of date before the BNritish could find enough other poorer coutries to take the stuff - no one wanted it.
Birf Flu, called by its promoters H5N1 supposedly killed a couple of hundred worldwide, repeat in the whole world this pathogen claimed to be highly infectious and deadly was possibly the cause of ONLY a few hundred deaths. Remember SARS-Cov-1? MERS? Zika? and several others that threatened the world and then didn't? SCAM springs to mind. all SCAMS.
They are losing the plot as they know they are losing the agenda of fear and coercion .....important to stay on your Eagles perch and observe the panic. They may well stoop to something bizarre and some may fall for it, but a great number are skeptical and wiser now. Oh what fun the next 12-18 mths will be as the energies shift.
They put poison in the chook feed late 2022. We lost four chooks and found 15 dead rats over 3 weeks.
The deaths stopped when we changed feed.
It's just more false flag bullshit- real deaths but just asphyxiation of the food chain, pretend7ng they have the authority by creating the problem, orchestrated reaction and premeditated solution.
Until people realize they think they are justified to do anything to suit their depopulation bullshit
Peter McCullough, salaried employee and shareholder of The Wellness Company, is offering you the Contagion Fear Kit at US$300 Per Person to deal with the 3 diseases you discuss.
So mankind has survived 300,000 yrs without "Big sick", and now seems THIS is the thing thats finally gonna do us all in without their new magic potions eeh?
Stop being fearful of the fearmongering and spend that time with family, friends, eating healthy and exercising keeping your immune system primed just in case they release another poison into our world (which they do constantly via chemtrails, chemicals on everything etc.) Those poor children you mentioned, not only living traumatic and stressful lives but malnourished too with possible dirty water they use as well.
There are some potentially nasty pathogens out there but compared to politicians, health authorities, compliant health staff and hospital protocols... not as likely to kill or maim you.
It's hard to believe anybody would fall for all this again. The CDC and FDA have lost all credibility. I guess that's why they need law enforcement for backup.....
Good to draw attention to non existence threats and the fear being manufactured. Using the same playbook, will people fall for it again, probably…I will not comply and I know I am not alone. Thank You
Ahh, but should we fear the real possibility that the WHO will succeed in it's nefarious agenda? Or that our health and environment will spiral down to such an extent that our future will be a very bad place for humanity. Perhaps we should be a little afraid, not of their projected pandemics, but of what will happen if we don't wake up enough to break the spell of propaganda they've cast, that most are still under.
Thank you SO much for presenting this 'keep calm and carry on' story in the way that you do. It is a tone of voice and a way of presenting information that is so hugely absent from mainstream media these days. And I love your signoff: Do. Not. Comply.
I'll share with you a bit of levity in response, by way of an Australian news item I saw, that attempted its own brand of, "What ELSE can we make people afraid of?"
So there had been a new kind of shark attack in Tasmania - this time a young boy had been harmed. Poor chap had been sitting on the front of his Dad's fishing boat when out of nowhere, a shark leapt out of the water, took a chunk out of the kid, and then disappeared. Of course not great, but the boy was rushed to hospital, stitched up, and survived just fine.
The reporter on the scene of this small fishing community explained that everyone was now absolutely terrified. And of course as a result, ALL the local fisherpeople would now be "CHANGING THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES." Cut to a local fisher-bloke who, presumably, would explain this, who then said, and I really do quote:
"Yeah... well sure, I won't be taking a sunny day crap over the side any more. Bugger that!"
Just thought you might enjoy this true story of 'When fear-mongering took a nose dive!"
The Bird Flu scenario is a recyling of an old attempt to inject. In Britain so many people refused to get a jab of Tamiflu the batches purchased by the government ran out of date before the BNritish could find enough other poorer coutries to take the stuff - no one wanted it.
Birf Flu, called by its promoters H5N1 supposedly killed a couple of hundred worldwide, repeat in the whole world this pathogen claimed to be highly infectious and deadly was possibly the cause of ONLY a few hundred deaths. Remember SARS-Cov-1? MERS? Zika? and several others that threatened the world and then didn't? SCAM springs to mind. all SCAMS.
They are losing the plot as they know they are losing the agenda of fear and coercion .....important to stay on your Eagles perch and observe the panic. They may well stoop to something bizarre and some may fall for it, but a great number are skeptical and wiser now. Oh what fun the next 12-18 mths will be as the energies shift.
They put poison in the chook feed late 2022. We lost four chooks and found 15 dead rats over 3 weeks.
The deaths stopped when we changed feed.
It's just more false flag bullshit- real deaths but just asphyxiation of the food chain, pretend7ng they have the authority by creating the problem, orchestrated reaction and premeditated solution.
Until people realize they think they are justified to do anything to suit their depopulation bullshit
Phew! It's a relief to me that I'm not a beaver, otherwise I may be mildly interested.
Peter McCullough, salaried employee and shareholder of The Wellness Company, is offering you the Contagion Fear Kit at US$300 Per Person to deal with the 3 diseases you discuss.
So mankind has survived 300,000 yrs without "Big sick", and now seems THIS is the thing thats finally gonna do us all in without their new magic potions eeh?
Stop being fearful of the fearmongering and spend that time with family, friends, eating healthy and exercising keeping your immune system primed just in case they release another poison into our world (which they do constantly via chemtrails, chemicals on everything etc.) Those poor children you mentioned, not only living traumatic and stressful lives but malnourished too with possible dirty water they use as well.
And practice basic hygiene - like washing your hands after handling a dead beaver 🦫 🙄
Ha ha
You're absolutely right. From now on, every time I handle a dead beaver, I'll be definitely washing my outer extremities.
In fact, if I even think about a dead beaver, I'll sanitise and put on a mask. Maybe 3....
That's right! It's a bacteria in water, on dead beasts and flies around in the air! Seal up your windows and doors! 👍😅
Yes, we'll, we have lots of dead beavers here in Far North Queensland so I'm washing my hands almost constantly
Personally, never seen a beaver dead or alive. Wonder if infection can spread through the TV? 🤔🤣
There are some potentially nasty pathogens out there but compared to politicians, health authorities, compliant health staff and hospital protocols... not as likely to kill or maim you.
The memes for monkey pox were hilarious🤣. Looking forward to the next round of memes.
I am afraid of One Health crap and abuse what could bring. I am afraid of the WHO Troian horse…and of the intoxicating propaganda.
The effing bird flu fear mongering!! They really are soulless.
Do. Not. Comply.
At this point I think I might be more afraid of the responses to viruses:
It's hard to believe anybody would fall for all this again. The CDC and FDA have lost all credibility. I guess that's why they need law enforcement for backup.....
Is it really that hard to believe?
Honestly, I guess not…
Good to draw attention to non existence threats and the fear being manufactured. Using the same playbook, will people fall for it again, probably…I will not comply and I know I am not alone. Thank You
Ahh, but should we fear the real possibility that the WHO will succeed in it's nefarious agenda? Or that our health and environment will spiral down to such an extent that our future will be a very bad place for humanity. Perhaps we should be a little afraid, not of their projected pandemics, but of what will happen if we don't wake up enough to break the spell of propaganda they've cast, that most are still under.
Thank you SO much for presenting this 'keep calm and carry on' story in the way that you do. It is a tone of voice and a way of presenting information that is so hugely absent from mainstream media these days. And I love your signoff: Do. Not. Comply.
I'll share with you a bit of levity in response, by way of an Australian news item I saw, that attempted its own brand of, "What ELSE can we make people afraid of?"
So there had been a new kind of shark attack in Tasmania - this time a young boy had been harmed. Poor chap had been sitting on the front of his Dad's fishing boat when out of nowhere, a shark leapt out of the water, took a chunk out of the kid, and then disappeared. Of course not great, but the boy was rushed to hospital, stitched up, and survived just fine.
The reporter on the scene of this small fishing community explained that everyone was now absolutely terrified. And of course as a result, ALL the local fisherpeople would now be "CHANGING THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES." Cut to a local fisher-bloke who, presumably, would explain this, who then said, and I really do quote:
"Yeah... well sure, I won't be taking a sunny day crap over the side any more. Bugger that!"
Just thought you might enjoy this true story of 'When fear-mongering took a nose dive!"
Thanks again!
What a great story, thanks for sharing. As long as people like that fisher-bloke keep it real, we'll all be all right.