Could it be that a cognitive dissidence is occurring with these misguided voices because they swallowed the propaganda put forth by controlled media? Have they lost the ability to question who and what they believe? They are full of contradictions and fail to notice the inconsistencies in their speech and words and ironically call for the very thing that would prevent them from seeing the false narrative they are upholding. Maybe some have "skin in the game" and need to push the agenda to keep the status quo and their paymasters happy, or perhaps some are fearful of the loss of control when the truth emerges. Oddly they think they are virtuous and absolutely correct.

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It is from having also captured the institutions beyond the media. The biggest win for them was the complete takeover of the educational system. They have made huge strides into the religious organizations. They have brought it into the workplace.

We have two full generations (maybe three) that have been corrupted by these ideologies.

It is just brought to a head now because people that have grown up steeped in the rhetoric are now taking their place in the government leadership.

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Introducing "The Blob"(the administrative state) vs Liberty. "The Blob" has its own agenda which is basically to perpetually retain and exercise power in the name of hegemony. If that delusion includes perpetual wars, the expansion of the military-industrial complex and using the forgotten man as cannon fodder, so be it. I pray that DJT will be given by God, the fortitude and wisdom necessary to deal a mortal blow to "The Blob" beginning January 2025. Viva Christo Rey!!

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Absolutely nothing concerns me more than the loss of free speech. How people can't understand this astounds me. For the powers that be to state that the Constitution itself is dangerous, and needs to be rewritten is terrifying. Wake up people, now is the time to face the truth.

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The slight of hand that they are using as the definitions is what you have to watch.

First of all, our country is not a democracy, so there is no protection of that democracy needed. They actually want to use what they term "democracy" to be able to exploit the minority protections that a constitutional republic creates.

They have changed populist to a derogatory term. Our system was specifically set up to eliminate a ruling class. Our government was designed to be run by the people. They want to create a ruling class that will govern the unwashed masses by their betters. They are terrified that someone outside their bureaucratic class will take away their power and upset their plans. Whether it is Trump, Bolsonaro, LePen, Milei, Meloni, Duda, or any other that might be against their goals, the playbook is the same.

The crisis exploitation system also relies on bait and switch. Using climate issues for example, if you don't agree with both the definition of the problem *and* agree to the solutions that they prescribe, you are a denier.

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Yes! Well said, indeed

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Well said.

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