I would be very wary of taking anything Bloomberg and Newsweek write seriously. That said, the U.S. has deteriorated in numerous ways. We are $35 Trillion dollars in debt. We have been printing money hand over fist. We have been inserting ourselves into wars and conflicts that have NO bearing on the the welfare of our nation. We have been imposing the DEI, LGBTQ, Critical Race theory propaganda overseas and demanding it be adhered to or "NO money for you!" Finally we have abandoned God. Our money has printed on it "In God We Trust" but that is a lie! We certainly Do Not trust God nor do we have any genuine faith in Him. We are for all intents and purposes a neo-pagan nation. Of course there are good people and God fearing people in the U.S. but not nearly as many as there should be. Unless we ask for forgiveness and turn to Christ and obey His commandments and eschew debauchery, sexual licentiousness, child sacrifice, greed, pride, gluttony etc, the great American experiment will fail.

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The US has long held foreign relations policies that have been paternalistic and dismissive at the same time for our hemisphere. Often at the end of a gun. They have propped up dictators that encouraged our neighbors to look for alternative alignments. When those alignments were made, we worked hard to destabilize them.

First it was all about extracting resources, then it became a part of the cold war, and now it is aimed against Chinese influence. I can't say that they are not better off dealing with the Chinese than they were with the US based on the track record we have had in the region. Especially now when the "Green" policies of the west in general are about holding the region back from developing their own resources.

We have spent the better part of the last 250 years as a bad neighbor and have only been concerned about their welfare when any competitors have stepped in to fill the vacuum.

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Yep! That’s it.

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