The term for it is "Live Action Role Playing" or LARPing for short. It is like the people that do historical re-enactments.

Instead of dressing up in Confederate or Union uniforms and replaying the important battles of the Civil War or dressing up and going to a Renaissance festival, they are going and playing the roles of the oppressed. The problem is that they are also recruiting "useful idiots." That is how they get people like the two NYC lawyers that went to the protests during the "Summer of Love" to go and throw Molotov cocktails at police cars.

It becomes a lifestyle. We have a lot of idle rich kids that jet around participating in protests as a pastime. It is a way for them to find some type of meaning and purpose in an otherwise empty life. It is also the same mechanism that is used by cults.

People are social creatures and our society has developed a huge degree of social isolation. We have a large number of people that instead of joining in society and developing positive relationships, they fester in their solitude and are ripe for being radicalized. This is exacerbated by the extended adolescence we have built into our society. We have people that are 25-30 years old that have never done anything productive in their entire life. We have incentivized it with student loans to the point where they will never be able to repay the debts created by postponing their entry into productive life.

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Can you blame the capitalist that organized this for making money off stupid people? Or should we congratulate them?

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We can send them a case of champagne as a reward. But they probably already have lots!

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