Yes, I agree with Jennifer, that this was one of the most interesting conversations she's been involved in. Very easy listening. I've started reading her book, have listened to a number of interviews she's given, not much from this interview was entirely new to me, but the relaxed pace and easy conversation made it very accessible. Thankyou, well done, and hope you have her back in to tall more about this major threat to our entire civilisation.

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I encourage your readers to check out Jennifer's work in depth. She does a good job of exposing what's under the surface here, and I highly recommend.

The questions asked in this interview were insightful - this was a useful conversation for anyone trying to understand what's behind the seemingly inexplicable speed and ubiquitous-ness of gender ideology being imposed on literally every facet of our culture and institutions in a very short period of time, with literally no public discussion or input.

Gender theory is a theory - an ideology for many - and not factual, empirical data. Yet it's been inserted into schools, textbooks, and organizations as if its tenets were established fact. It seeks to eliminate the reality of human biological sexes, and promote the idea that biology is irrelevant. Women as a sex are being erased from law and policy, and we have lost our sex-based rights and protections. The safety, protection, and dignity of women (51% of the population) has been tossed aside to center the wishes of vulnerable individuals w/ an assortment of disorders, and males with a sexual fetish and often, a pathological envy of womanhood.

In my lifetime, I have never seen such a rapid effort to reprogram the culture. Certainly this level of effort was never made for civil rights or women's rights. But we are supposed to believe this massive societal overhaul and rewriting of language, history, and evolutionary biology is all about rights for a tiny, allegedly "marginalized" minority?? I don't think so. There is most definitely an agenda here, and it's not what it's being sold as.

Unfortunately many people lack critical thinking skills, and too few are asking the important questions and demanding answers. Which is unfortunate, especially for parents, as their rights in relation to their children are also being rapidly rewritten. Ultimately this will affect us all, and likely in ways we can not not now imagine.

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Sounds eerily like an updated version of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."

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Not saying that there are not people stepping in to capitalize on the transgender market but I don't think that is the driving force.

We have had people that defy the gender boundaries basically forever. It is a small part of the population that for the most part has been isolated. With the invention of the internet, now they see the others of a similar nature and feel an artificially large number in the same situation. But even that still doesn't increase the numbers but only unites the same small percentage.

What has been the big change is the elevation of status and power for being an "oppressed minority." Previously you attained that status by immutable condition. The color of your skin, being disabled, your biological state, and such. Now with transgenderism, all it takes is the mere statement of your current mood. Yes, some double down and go through medical procedures but that is not even necessary to gain the status. That is just an extra enhancement of status. We even assign a level of nobility to people that support them. You get nearly the same status just by stating your support.

Without that social power, there is no real incentive. The first gender reassignment surgery happened back in 1907 in Germany. It goes back much further in history if you take just removal of sexual organs (Eunuchs). People didn't gain any social currency and just moved on to their "new life role."

Yes, there is an additional faction that want to capitalize on the availability of that status. Gaining money and prestige in competition where they couldn't compete at a winning level in their original gender sector. Titillation and power by invading female spaces. Getting preferential treatment when incarcerated along with access to more victims. Those are just extra perks.

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All the reasons you list are feeding into the juggernaut, but they are just parts. I believe Jennifer is right, and the money/power is what drives medical, tech, legal, political, educational and social to gain from it all. And nobody really gives a shit about women and children, not really, they never have.

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