This is just an expansion of an existing strategy from the playbook.

Let me explain the strategy.

Just use any word that is a loaded term but is not a specifically defined legal term but has a very loaded understanding in common usage. Denier, for example, was perfect. On its own, it cannot be legally viewed as derogatory but it brings along with it the attachment of its use associated with people denying the Holocaust.

"Grift" is not a specific criminal act. You can say someone is grifting and not be held accountable for libel or slander. Someone can do things that can be termed grifting that are perfectly legal. If someone complains, just say that they are just hiding behind the legal definition.

Same with conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.

If someone tries to take action against them, they can recoup legal expenses with a SLAPP suit.

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Brain dead name callers!

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