The backlash against private firefighting highlights discomfort with economic disparities, but it also raises critical questions about freedom and innovation.
I don't have a problem if someone wants to pay for someone for their protection. Most places I have ever worked has given some basic fire fighting type training. How to use the fire extinguishers. Evacuation procedures. Hazardous material training. The state firefighters will come in and give the training themselves. That's what they do between fires. They are not just sitting around polishing the chrome on their fire trucks.
I just don't see how it would help them in this type of scenario that we see with the wildfires.
Non-state firemen wouldn't have any resources beyond what the general public has access to. They wouldn't have anywhere near the legal authority or protections that the state firemen have.
Firefighting takes a huge amount of coordination and logistics. It is not just standing around holding a hose and squirting water.
Private fire fighters would be using public water, and public roads, and be rushed to public hospitals if injured on the job, and entitled to public Social Security disability benefits …
… In response to the perpetual “crisis” of “overproduction” made possible by the 19th century Industrial Revolution, the sociopathic Ruling Class has created artificial shortages, i.e. austerity via mismanagement, so that mass production technologies actually *cause* the undoing & reversal of the Great post-WW2 Middle Class Expansion - so that we non-millionaire workin’ stiffs don’t eat too well nor live too well 😡
Fast forward ~70-90 years into the “managed decline of the West,” the masses now so impoverished - body, mind, & spirit! - we’ve arrived at the very ends of the horse shoe shaped political spectrum where capitalism & communism are close to each other.
I couldn’t believe it when I first saw discussion of private fire departments; fire fighting is one of the USA’s very few socialistic success stories - that means 19th century socialistic idealism, not 20th century communistic & atheistic totalitarianism.
Except of course I can believe it 😂 Because I’ve screaming into the Void (ever since the ‘08 financial crisis) that the sociopathic Ruling Class are modeling the future USA caste system on Latin America: the very much smaller middle class will live behind gated communities & with barbed wire and armed guards.
Sure, they’ll be first in line for fire fighting 😡 Why wouldn’t they be? Just like in Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others.
Being suspicious, I wonder why the fire was so devastating and how it could have been handled better. Why was there no water in the reservoir and hydrants for instance? A lot of money was paid for a useless system. I wonder if geoengineering was involved, to set it up in the windy season. A lot of things don't add up in this epic tragedy so I think there's more to this story than meets the eye.
Several reasons. The biggest being that wildfires occur naturally. The very act of preventing them allows more fuel to accumulate and makes them much worse when they occur. When they occur naturally, they are more frequent but much smaller. The previous fires create the firebreaks that keep them from spreading.
You are not going to find many people willing to sacrifice their homes being burned down to create new firebreaks.
They had wildfires there long before it was settled. People still build there and are surprised. Then, once it is cleared, people will rebuild there and the cycle will continue. The same thing happens in flood zones and coastal properties.
I agree. If God has given you the ability and resources to protect yourself and your family from disaster then you are actually obligated to do so and to be grateful for those resources. But, because you are so blessed you are also obligated to use your fortune to help others less fortunate. After loving God and giving thanks to Him, love your neighbor as yourself.
I don't have a problem if someone wants to pay for someone for their protection. Most places I have ever worked has given some basic fire fighting type training. How to use the fire extinguishers. Evacuation procedures. Hazardous material training. The state firefighters will come in and give the training themselves. That's what they do between fires. They are not just sitting around polishing the chrome on their fire trucks.
I just don't see how it would help them in this type of scenario that we see with the wildfires.
Non-state firemen wouldn't have any resources beyond what the general public has access to. They wouldn't have anywhere near the legal authority or protections that the state firemen have.
Firefighting takes a huge amount of coordination and logistics. It is not just standing around holding a hose and squirting water.
Private fire fighters would be using public water, and public roads, and be rushed to public hospitals if injured on the job, and entitled to public Social Security disability benefits …
… In response to the perpetual “crisis” of “overproduction” made possible by the 19th century Industrial Revolution, the sociopathic Ruling Class has created artificial shortages, i.e. austerity via mismanagement, so that mass production technologies actually *cause* the undoing & reversal of the Great post-WW2 Middle Class Expansion - so that we non-millionaire workin’ stiffs don’t eat too well nor live too well 😡
Fast forward ~70-90 years into the “managed decline of the West,” the masses now so impoverished - body, mind, & spirit! - we’ve arrived at the very ends of the horse shoe shaped political spectrum where capitalism & communism are close to each other.
I couldn’t believe it when I first saw discussion of private fire departments; fire fighting is one of the USA’s very few socialistic success stories - that means 19th century socialistic idealism, not 20th century communistic & atheistic totalitarianism.
Except of course I can believe it 😂 Because I’ve screaming into the Void (ever since the ‘08 financial crisis) that the sociopathic Ruling Class are modeling the future USA caste system on Latin America: the very much smaller middle class will live behind gated communities & with barbed wire and armed guards.
Sure, they’ll be first in line for fire fighting 😡 Why wouldn’t they be? Just like in Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others.
Being suspicious, I wonder why the fire was so devastating and how it could have been handled better. Why was there no water in the reservoir and hydrants for instance? A lot of money was paid for a useless system. I wonder if geoengineering was involved, to set it up in the windy season. A lot of things don't add up in this epic tragedy so I think there's more to this story than meets the eye.
Several reasons. The biggest being that wildfires occur naturally. The very act of preventing them allows more fuel to accumulate and makes them much worse when they occur. When they occur naturally, they are more frequent but much smaller. The previous fires create the firebreaks that keep them from spreading.
You are not going to find many people willing to sacrifice their homes being burned down to create new firebreaks.
They had wildfires there long before it was settled. People still build there and are surprised. Then, once it is cleared, people will rebuild there and the cycle will continue. The same thing happens in flood zones and coastal properties.
I agree. If God has given you the ability and resources to protect yourself and your family from disaster then you are actually obligated to do so and to be grateful for those resources. But, because you are so blessed you are also obligated to use your fortune to help others less fortunate. After loving God and giving thanks to Him, love your neighbor as yourself.