In a nutshell, the socioeconomics of what-went-wrong:

1) the socio- part: the double-income lifestyle, including serial monogamy (aka “free” sex) & low birth rates; aka the post-WW2 ‘social engineering.’

2) the economics part: a century-long march toward collectivization & totalitarianism (the unConstitutional bureaucratic state).

A path forward (for us non-millionaire workin’ Joe’s:

1) the socio- part: stay married & make as many babies as you can afford to feed. Homeschool, and do not relocate for employment but stay local & maintain extended family ties. Get off of the ‘food grid’ by eating only Real Food cooked from scratch. Never eat any form of processed food, never.

2) the economics part: long hours & low pay is inevitable. Make food & family the priority. And voting does matter. Americans rejected ‘Western communism’ in November, phew! 😅; our nation is not as far gone (yet) as Western Europe & the rest of the Anglosphere. As long as the Bill of Rights still lives, there’s still real hope for the continued ***miracle*** of these past couple centuries of the Western experiment in socioeconomic liberalism 👍🙂

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Plain English on Thanksgiving morning. A great way to start the day.

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