I have to admit that when I was working long hours, I paid little attention to the news and my level of curiosity was low because I focused on my everyday duties and commitment to my family. Since I have been retired I have become much more engaged into what is going on in the world. I have come to realize that I cannot depend on the legacy media whether it be national or local to truly inform me. I have sought out alternate media such as Collapse Life and many others who have no interest in propagandizing me but instead, providing me with unfiltered truth. I think even those who thought they knew what was going on in their own government have been shocked at what they have seen coming out of the USAID scandal. The fact that much of this has remained hidden for all this time reveals many failures on the part of our so called public servants, the sycophantic media and our own lack of curiosity because we were/are so busy living our lives and providing for our families. Thank God that this man, Donald J. Trump has emerged at this time in our history! He of course is not perfect(who among us is?) but I truly believe he loves our nation and wants us to love it and prosper in it. I don't know if all this scandal would have eventually been revealed anyway at some point but the sooner the better! Please pray for our President and all those under his command that whatever he is doing now and will do in the future will be done for love of God(first and foremost), then family and country just as Vice-President J.D. Vance as so eloquently voiced it in the Ordo Amoris.

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These people are traitors to the US and should be punished accordingly for their crimes. Shut USAID down.

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