There's definitely a psy-war going on in the western world using sophisticated propaganda. Nowhere is it more evident than in the vaccine debate and the stakes are huge. The media, governments, scientific journals, universities, healthcare, federal agencies, and just about every institution we once relied on is part of this. It was a coordinated effort to reduce "vaccine hesitancy" using taxpayer dollars and other shadowy sources of money. It really worked on most of the population who were already primed by years of profitable pharma schemes.
So many were fooled and took the shot, and that created yet another psychological barrier for people who are afraid and reluctant to open their eyes to a horrible reality of being lied to and manipulated into harming themselves and others. Many would prefer to not know and consciously or unconsciously refuse to see.
This is still going on but now it's breaking up due to extreme consequences that can't be hidden and ethical scientists speaking out. The truth is being allowed by more and more people and once seen it becomes almost impossible to deny.
Also, it seems to me that bizarre fables like critical race theory, gender ideology, etc., (which governments, universities, & NGOs have been trying to shove down everyone's throat), are inherently divisive. Not to mention promoting mass victimhood and "deconstructing" stable social structures. Is this one of the purposes of such ideologies?
We now have these ideologies being taught to even young children in public schools, and some states enable school employees to "transition" children behind their parents' backs. Gender ideology encourages kids to separate from their parents and families if they don't immediately "affirm" the child's new delusional identity. Critical race theory tells kids that all white people are racist, finds racism in literally everything, and encourages division and mistrust among cultures, rather than unity and emphasizing our common goals and values.
What entities, what industries benefit from divisive programming, or fear-based narratives? From more fractured families? From a seriously divided culture? From the negation of biological history and physical reality?
Yes divisive ideologies are being pushed. As for who could be behind this agenda, I can think of some, that would benefit from this. You already mentioned governments, universities, NGOs, and I'm sure there's more, but the question arises; How? and Why? When they locked us all down during the plandemic, and tried to implement vaccine passports, it was the first step to creating a digital identity which would go hand in hand with programable CBDCs. and social credit scores. "They" want to control us totally, kinda like "1984" by Orwell. All of a sudden it's necessary to censor and surveil opposing views, vaccine hesitancy, and anything else opposing this draconian ideology. Free speech? Banned. It turns out the shots reduce fertility as well as kill and maim so that would help.. if you're Bill Gates. The WHO, WEF, Pharma, Banks, China, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Club of Rome, WANT this digital prison. Big Tech companies are involved too. They need to indoctrinate our young, make us dependent and weak, and poorer, ultimately so they can profit while controlling and culling us down.
Their problem is that they have used the same lies so often that the number of people who finally see through them are growing. Not just in the US. You see it repeated in the same way all over the world where they have been following the same playbook.
What they have done is they have built a cult. It is a hodgepodge of the ideas of Karl Marx mixed with the techniques pioneered by Joseph Goebbels, Mao, and Stalin. The stuff that George Orwell and others were trying to warn us about.
Everything is an existential threat.
Everyone who says anything different is evil.
They are doing everything for your own good because they know better.
They change the meanings of words to defeat any argument.
They have infiltrated the education system both to indoctrinate and to control authoritative voices who might be in a position to dissent.
Will they succeed? I have no idea. I am heartened by the fact that around the world, people who are not members of their cult keep getting elected. It will take decades before we will see any improvement. They have become entrenched throughout our society. They are in our government, schools, media, the news organizations, the military, and the corporate boardrooms. They have written legislation and groomed the courts.
I do know that they will not give up willingly and it will take a long time to depose them.
This is also how we are being screwed in Canada and it is also happening in the UK I blame the WEF and the lackies from governments everywhere who are in bed with them. The rich & elite want us to be their virtual slaves and it is no different than what it was like under the Kings and Queens of monarchy rule going back hundreds of years.
You in the US are very lucky and we in Canada hope to be as well after the next election when we kick that commie marxist son of a bitch Justin Trudeau out.
It is easy to blame the WEF.. where the entire blame should be at the hands of the Canadian voters. The WEF has influence no argument there. But the Canadian voters have continuously voted away our freedom and liberty. The creeping barrage of socialism is the problems source, and the additional problems are being created as stop gap measures to try to deal with the outcome of the creation and management of these programs. Basically, people voted for free shit. And shit is what they will get and deserve for doing so
"Truth be told, we’re not nearly as divided as they want us to believe." Completely agree.
There's definitely a psy-war going on in the western world using sophisticated propaganda. Nowhere is it more evident than in the vaccine debate and the stakes are huge. The media, governments, scientific journals, universities, healthcare, federal agencies, and just about every institution we once relied on is part of this. It was a coordinated effort to reduce "vaccine hesitancy" using taxpayer dollars and other shadowy sources of money. It really worked on most of the population who were already primed by years of profitable pharma schemes.
So many were fooled and took the shot, and that created yet another psychological barrier for people who are afraid and reluctant to open their eyes to a horrible reality of being lied to and manipulated into harming themselves and others. Many would prefer to not know and consciously or unconsciously refuse to see.
This is still going on but now it's breaking up due to extreme consequences that can't be hidden and ethical scientists speaking out. The truth is being allowed by more and more people and once seen it becomes almost impossible to deny.
Also, it seems to me that bizarre fables like critical race theory, gender ideology, etc., (which governments, universities, & NGOs have been trying to shove down everyone's throat), are inherently divisive. Not to mention promoting mass victimhood and "deconstructing" stable social structures. Is this one of the purposes of such ideologies?
We now have these ideologies being taught to even young children in public schools, and some states enable school employees to "transition" children behind their parents' backs. Gender ideology encourages kids to separate from their parents and families if they don't immediately "affirm" the child's new delusional identity. Critical race theory tells kids that all white people are racist, finds racism in literally everything, and encourages division and mistrust among cultures, rather than unity and emphasizing our common goals and values.
What entities, what industries benefit from divisive programming, or fear-based narratives? From more fractured families? From a seriously divided culture? From the negation of biological history and physical reality?
Yes divisive ideologies are being pushed. As for who could be behind this agenda, I can think of some, that would benefit from this. You already mentioned governments, universities, NGOs, and I'm sure there's more, but the question arises; How? and Why? When they locked us all down during the plandemic, and tried to implement vaccine passports, it was the first step to creating a digital identity which would go hand in hand with programable CBDCs. and social credit scores. "They" want to control us totally, kinda like "1984" by Orwell. All of a sudden it's necessary to censor and surveil opposing views, vaccine hesitancy, and anything else opposing this draconian ideology. Free speech? Banned. It turns out the shots reduce fertility as well as kill and maim so that would help.. if you're Bill Gates. The WHO, WEF, Pharma, Banks, China, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Club of Rome, WANT this digital prison. Big Tech companies are involved too. They need to indoctrinate our young, make us dependent and weak, and poorer, ultimately so they can profit while controlling and culling us down.
This is so true.
Their problem is that they have used the same lies so often that the number of people who finally see through them are growing. Not just in the US. You see it repeated in the same way all over the world where they have been following the same playbook.
What they have done is they have built a cult. It is a hodgepodge of the ideas of Karl Marx mixed with the techniques pioneered by Joseph Goebbels, Mao, and Stalin. The stuff that George Orwell and others were trying to warn us about.
Everything is an existential threat.
Everyone who says anything different is evil.
They are doing everything for your own good because they know better.
They change the meanings of words to defeat any argument.
They have infiltrated the education system both to indoctrinate and to control authoritative voices who might be in a position to dissent.
Will they succeed? I have no idea. I am heartened by the fact that around the world, people who are not members of their cult keep getting elected. It will take decades before we will see any improvement. They have become entrenched throughout our society. They are in our government, schools, media, the news organizations, the military, and the corporate boardrooms. They have written legislation and groomed the courts.
I do know that they will not give up willingly and it will take a long time to depose them.
We won the Revolutionary War because the colonies were united. Will that happen again?
This is also how we are being screwed in Canada and it is also happening in the UK I blame the WEF and the lackies from governments everywhere who are in bed with them. The rich & elite want us to be their virtual slaves and it is no different than what it was like under the Kings and Queens of monarchy rule going back hundreds of years.
You in the US are very lucky and we in Canada hope to be as well after the next election when we kick that commie marxist son of a bitch Justin Trudeau out.
It is easy to blame the WEF.. where the entire blame should be at the hands of the Canadian voters. The WEF has influence no argument there. But the Canadian voters have continuously voted away our freedom and liberty. The creeping barrage of socialism is the problems source, and the additional problems are being created as stop gap measures to try to deal with the outcome of the creation and management of these programs. Basically, people voted for free shit. And shit is what they will get and deserve for doing so
I agree but I remain convinced the WEF is causing more problems