This Virgie Tovar is exactly the type that keeps the insanity rolling. That college poll you quoted really makes you wonder about the younger generations. I guess that's what stage the empire is at this point. Pretty scary man.

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Whatever happened to " thou shall not kill" as a western value?

Mass formation finale is violence.

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That is exactly how it started. The lessons learned have been lost.

“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.”

― Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings:

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We are quickly reaching Sodom and Gomorrah levels of degeneracy.

When the sulfur starts to rain down, I will be reminded to sing the Classic Ballad

"We don't need no water, let the mother fucker burn. Burn mother fucker. Burn"

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reaching, exceeding, I am not a walking thesaurus or dictionary :)

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I'd say we are already at that level. Reached.

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That's a good portrayal of misguided and flawed beliefs driving non productive behavior. It illustrates how a whole generation has been misled or indoctrinated in an increasingly complex and confusing world. So many young people are getting their news and views from the propaganda media, and have no idea how it's designed to manipulate and indoctrinate. They seem to lack critical thinking skills and even morality in favor of peer acceptance and popularity. They are victims but also perpetrators of deception and unaware of the danger we all face from the erosion of freedom and the decent into tyranny.

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