I’ll be brief here (maybe not 😂), but I did finish on a very positive note 👍🙂

Big Picture: our species co-evolves with its technologies, for both better and for worse. Thousands of years prior to the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, some human groups had already developed technologies for thriving off of higher carb & lower meat diets, e.g. the Northern European hazelnut gardeners & small game hunters, e.g. the Southeast Asian starchy tuber eaters.

But even prior to human beginnings in higher carb dieting civilizations, there came the domestication of the wolf. Already thousands of years before human experimentation with (evolution in) forest dwelling technology, the dog-technology had transformed what it meant to be human; humanity was reborn-by-dog thousands of years before humanity was re-born by starchy plant foods & smaller, leaner game (in certain forested regions), and again **dramatically** reborn-by-ultra-high-carb dieting in the New Stone Age 5,000-10,000+ years ago (via grass seed-centered dieting, i.e. by the domesticated cereal grain).

But nobody today cries himself to sleep because of the species-altering consequences (body, mind, and spirit!) of grass seed-centered dieting, nor because of starchy tubers & hazelnuts & smaller, leaner forest game animals, nor because of Man’s best friend, the dog.

Instead, we actually celebrate all of these evolutionary processes, again body, mind, & spirit. Nutella, anyone? 😂

Let’s fast forward to the 1st Industrial Revolution - and stop at this moment in history (because it’s sufficient to make my point). The globe was lifted up ‘n’ out of Iron Age barbarism (aka poverty, but actually barbarism - body, mind, & spirit!) by the combination of 1st IR labor saving technologies + Western Christian Enlightenment egalitarian idealism.

The West did that 👍🙂 Nobody else did (or could have).

Unfortunately, in those empires that coupled traditional Iron Age feudalism (totalitarianism, lack of free market principles) with 1st IR technologies instead of Christian Enlightenment (i.e. the scientific method as a guiding philosophy of life), we got the horrors of Eastern communism, e.g. USSR, Red China, Imperial Japan, etc..

The point I’m making is that, yes, digital funny munny is coming to the Enlightened Christian Western industrialized states, same as to the Neofeudal non-Western & non-Enlightened industrialized states.

But Trump (already by Executive Order) is pulling us back from Neofeudalism. Trump is pro-US Bill of Rights.

Already by E.O. Trump has made free speech legal again.

And he has gravely wounded 4th-wave “feminism” (i.e. the neo-maoist transsexual agenda).

Consider too his physical presence at the March for Life, the 1st “Republican” POTUS to do so. His direct attack on 4th-wave is thus logically a not so indirect attack on 1960’s style 2nd-wave “feminism” - which was the Trojan Horse that carried communism to the West !!! 😡 - as 4th-, 3rd-, & 2nd-waves all share the exact same anti-scientific philosophical basis, which is that men & women are **not** limited to specific (& only infrequently overlapping) psycho-biological-socioeconomic sex roles.

Trump also cancelled LBJ’s communistic (totalitarian & anti-free enterprise; 1st Amendment violation of our freedom of association) 1965 E.O. for Affirmative Action in federal contracts.

… For a would-be dictator, Trump sure is curtailing the Biden era dictatorial powers he had at his disposal … 🤔

Trump sure does seem to be making an about face from the WEF’s Great Reset, and the from the Red Chinese surveillance & security & social credit score state - and an about face from the post-WW2 ‘managed decline of the West,’ and from the USA’s 100+ year-long slow crawl toward ‘Western communism.’

If Populist Trump, however, is actually an unwitting pawn in some shadowy sociopathic Ruling Class’s own 5D chess game, well then they sure are filling up the masses’ heads right now with seditious US Bill of Rights kinds of ideas, aren’t they?! Isn’t that a dangerous game for them to be playing? Precisely when things had been going so well, globally, under the sociopathic Ruling Class’s preferred globalist vehicles for the advancement of Western communism?

… Trump brings hope that Western Christian Enlightenment egalitarian idealism still lives in the USA, and that this spirit can be resuscitated (sometime in our lifetimes) in the rest of the Anglosphere & Western Europe

… When digital funny munny technology does someday replace our paper funny munny, the only thing that matters is that the USA digital currency is stamped with “In [Western Christian Enlightenment egalitarian idealism] We Trust” 👍🙂

And that will show us that there’s at least hope for this continued progressive **miracle** of Western liberalism (in other words hope for the continued social & technological **co-evolution** of Christian egalitarian idealism + labor saving technologies) 👍🙂❤️

It’s the Culture War that matters. And Team Sanity is finally racking up some wins! 👍🙂❤️

Thanks for reading,


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This CBDC push could go so dystopian, depending on how much people know and what they are willing to put up with. If you can see it coming... the total control and surveillance network, then you might be able to prepare by ditching the propaganda surveillance devices, going private, and using monero and bitcoin as a backup to the controlled systems they will sell us.

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Perhaps consider that a paid courtesan is willing to reveal the secrets of her old patron to her new patron. Just watch out when she finds the "newer".

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