A useful update of the changes and how that encourages us to prepare for the worse and live for the best. Thank You

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I thought the youtube video was a nice summary and easy to follow. The voice sounded somewhat synthetic though. I guess that can't be helped since it was AI generated. When I hear an artificial voice telling me how to live... A contradiction, in my mind. I'm automatically skeptical of machine intelligence. It's such a powerful tool but can be used to manipulate and control people, spy on them, erase them.

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Be sure to like the video by hitting the "chin up" button!

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Interesting you could call our culture a civil-ization🤣but it’s nice to see, however dimly, our goal. The way science is going we may have feathers and /or scales before we have civility😪🤗🤷🏽‍♂️💖🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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