Scary but necessary article. I recommend the recent book Fiat Food , it’s about how this no meat agenda began, how it’s detrimental to health and linked to the increase in debt. It sheds more light on who is behind this silent genocide of poisoning people with processed, addictive food.
Given what we already know and given the future they intend for us, it is wise for everyone to be taking one of the recovery or preventative protocols for vaccine injury. One way or another, they’ll get it in our blood whether through food, aerosol, shedding, etc…
Just about all of our food has been modified as to be indistinguishable from the original source. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Many food items were marginal at best in their original form. Had they been left as they were, we would have been unable to sustain ourselves at the current population level. We have taken Malthus' predictions and made a joke of them. We have been able to create crops that are productive on land that had been previously useless for farming. We have been able to drastically reduce the use of insecticides and herbicides and reducing the environmental problems created. The only real difference made by genetic modifications has been to take the random variability and selection on a faster and more directed path.
That isn't saying that there are not problems with modern agricultural practices. A far greater risk are the indiscriminate use of hormones and antibiotics. These get out into the environment and have impacts that we may not detect for decades. Much like the environmental effects of DDT were not immediately apparent and how we didn't understand how mercury was concentrated by the food chain.
A much greater risk is the business model of the companies creating these new technologies. They will hold our entire civilization hostage. If you use the seed from one of these companies, you cannot grow a crop from seeds from the previous crop and must only buy from the one supplier who has no competition. Even if you are not using their products, you can be sued if your crop gets cross pollinated by a patented crop nearby. It also encourages monoculture which makes us more susceptible to widespread disaster *when* (not if) they get compromised by disease or pests.
Scary but necessary article. I recommend the recent book Fiat Food , it’s about how this no meat agenda began, how it’s detrimental to health and linked to the increase in debt. It sheds more light on who is behind this silent genocide of poisoning people with processed, addictive food.
Given what we already know and given the future they intend for us, it is wise for everyone to be taking one of the recovery or preventative protocols for vaccine injury. One way or another, they’ll get it in our blood whether through food, aerosol, shedding, etc…
Also, buy all of your meat from local organic ranchers, surround and support them when they come under attack, and fill your freezers.
Just about all of our food has been modified as to be indistinguishable from the original source. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Many food items were marginal at best in their original form. Had they been left as they were, we would have been unable to sustain ourselves at the current population level. We have taken Malthus' predictions and made a joke of them. We have been able to create crops that are productive on land that had been previously useless for farming. We have been able to drastically reduce the use of insecticides and herbicides and reducing the environmental problems created. The only real difference made by genetic modifications has been to take the random variability and selection on a faster and more directed path.
That isn't saying that there are not problems with modern agricultural practices. A far greater risk are the indiscriminate use of hormones and antibiotics. These get out into the environment and have impacts that we may not detect for decades. Much like the environmental effects of DDT were not immediately apparent and how we didn't understand how mercury was concentrated by the food chain.
A much greater risk is the business model of the companies creating these new technologies. They will hold our entire civilization hostage. If you use the seed from one of these companies, you cannot grow a crop from seeds from the previous crop and must only buy from the one supplier who has no competition. Even if you are not using their products, you can be sued if your crop gets cross pollinated by a patented crop nearby. It also encourages monoculture which makes us more susceptible to widespread disaster *when* (not if) they get compromised by disease or pests.