I just saw this xweet and thought I would throw it here

You think you have troubles with booking educated adult women. This podcaster tends to have younger more..lets say.. street level women guests.

But I noticed the pattern which is why I thought i would share it



If you think what the women say on the show is red pilling... The biggest red pill for me is doing all the guest bookings. I see how completely unreliable women are. 1,000+ flakes, 200+ no call no shows. Most don't even say sorry. BS excuses. Many lie. Heard it all.

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Jenna McCarthy’s a laugh a minute ❤️ but I’m not aware that she’s an expert in anything. I think she’s ‘just’ a mom, and a mom with common sense - plus an uncommon verbal intelligence, comedic intelligence 👍🙂

And that’s the point i want to make here. She’s a mom, first ‘n’ foremost, and a good wife (so it appears 😂).

By Mother Nature (genuine anthropology), every good non-millionaire Workin’ Joe would be an “expert” in his (probably very humble) profession, and most every good Jane Blow would be a full-time mother, first ‘n’ foremost, aka “stay at home” (SAHM), including the work-from-home SAHM’s like Mary Harrington (the reformed 1960’s style 2nd-wave “feminist,” GenX generation, anti-birth control; she advocates “re-wilding” sex). Have you heard Mary Harrington’s take on the topic of “collapse life?”

Btw, I too am a reformed GenX dupe for 2nd-wave “feminism.”

Full-time mothers are less likely to posses any kind of expertise outside of mothering than fathers are (outside of fathering). In other words, a man’s husbandly & fatherly duties are significantly less time consuming than a woman’s wifely & motherly duties.

If a father accomplishes his duties-in-the-workforce-unto-his-wife-&-children, then there’ll be some kind of long term, intergenerational tangible (financial) benefit. A man labors his whole life outside the home in order to meet his husbandly & fatherly duties.

A mother labors her whole life inside the home; graduation from motherhood/ retirement from motherhood never happens. She becomes a grandmother. Motherhood is 24/7/365 for life. It’s the womanly analogue to manly employment outside the home + capital gains/ setting something aside for the family’s future (& probably for his future widowed wife; primarily financially providing for children-as-the-widow’s-“social security check”).

Anyway, please see above my partial response to Blewn0se Hermitage’s comments. In a word, we should all celebrate a significantly less than 50/ 50 sex ratio in any particular field of expertise because by Mother Nature, men & women never competed against one another from **within** the same socioeconomic spheres - until Western 2nd-wave “feminism,” which was the capitalistic analogue to Eastern communistic androgyny-in-the-workforce, and for the exact same reason: to wipe out the 1st Industrial Revolution material gains, thus transferring this newfound 19th century People Power back to the State, back to our sociopathic Ruling Class 😡

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I completely agree with more women stepping forward to give their unique perspective on life, culture and yes, morality. Yet I am very sick and tired of hearing the screeching Femino-Marxists rant on about the tyranny and suppression of "Toxic Masculinity" and their love of the "culture of death". True femininity combined with a sharp intellect and a virtuous soul is so beautiful and refreshing that I cannot resist it when I encounter it. Yet, I think these are the exact type of women who are reluctant to appear on the public stage as opposed to the former category who relish in it.

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I didn't know you had Jennifer Bilek on. She's a cool lady

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Yes! She is super cool, isn't she? Here's the interview: https://youtu.be/k9aKQmIv0tQ - It was amazing, and we only just scratched the surface of all she can talk about!

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There are a number of likely reasons, and I don't believe confidence is the driving issue.

1) Women tend to value their time differently than men

2) Women tend to get a lot more attention naturally in their day to day lives then men and don't need to jump on every opportunity as doors are a lot easier to open for women (especially very attractive women)

3) Men do not have the same safety nets in society as women so every opportunity presented is important for survival

4) Men see value in these opportunities over the longer term where women will see only those that give the most bang for the buck in the moment. Men understand the compounding affect over time. Women are naturally born having value, and men have to fight their way to the top before they are valued. There is an old saying, "No one takes you seriously until you are 35' for reason.

5) More men than women will see the collapse, and speak openly about it, and try to present arguments and ideas to avoid it. More women than men will keep voting for the same policies with little care of how they affect society in the broader term as long as they get what they want ... in the moment.


and I know a man that....

But there are defiantly personality traits to consider that go beyond confidence.

And I do not believe these things are socialized. Men have to take more risks, because the men that do not win do not get get the girls. And getting the girls is the number one reason there is a Civilization built to collapse in the first place.

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Love it!, except I don’t understand the first two sentences of (4), but I suspect I’d be in agreement if I did because the rest of (4) is a hit 🎯

“A woman’s looks are her fortune,” but for us men it’s the clothes that make the man.

I’ll just point out here the **irony** in expecting a 50/ 50 sex ratio in expert opinions on the topic of “Collapse Life,” (which I call the “post-WW2 managed decline of the West,” which is a term I’ve seen elsewhere): the preeminent reason that the West is in decline is precisely because of all of the politico-socio-economic downstream effects of 1960’s style 2nd-wave “feminism,” i.e. the Western analogue to Eastern communistic androgyny-in-the-workforce, and for precisely the same reason. In the West as in the East, it was imposed upon the workers as a mechanism for “rectifying” the perpetual “crisis” of “overproduction;” Western 2nd-wave “feminism” is one of the sociopathic Ruling Class’s “solutions” to 1st Industrial Revolution labor saving technologies (that have made us uppity serfs eat too well & live too well).

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