Why are we still calling these experiments, vaccines

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Easy money drives the vaccine industry, as they have immunity from prosecution. They took advantage of that since1986 and built a multi-billion dollar empire based on incomplete and inadequate science. They used their wealth to propagandize and bribe institutions and infiltrate various agencies. But now it's finally catching up to them as the population wakes up to the scam. Trust is gone, anger is rising. They crossed a line with covid,, surpassing all previous injuries, and coordinating the greatest loss of wealth and health world wide. Using money and influence and sophisticated propaganda they indoctrinated, coerced, terrified, and manipulated the majority. Lies upon lies, turtles all the way down, the house of cards is collapsing.

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What is the goal of those that make "vaccines"? To make people healthy? Or to make them sicker? That is the problem. They have yet to understand the goal of the vaccine maker is to make them sicker. So no they are not interested in these people living in a clean environment. No they are not interested in ways to supply them with healthy nutritious food.

People got to realize their goal and the people's goal are incompatible.

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My wife and I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in April of 2021. It's now known as the "Clot Shot" and has been pulled from the market. With the endless flood of problems coming from Pfizer vaccines, we chose not to revaccinate. One of the guests at our Thanksgiving dinner had COVID, possibly picked up during air travel. He was tested before leaving home, and was negative, so he did not test again. This same guest had the original Pfizer vaccine, as well as every booster offered. The vaccines clearly do not work, and as the facts are finally coming to light, they are dangerous. Given that, I'm not exactly thrilled to discover the my prescription for this comes from Pfizer.

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You need to figure it out. Covid only existed on a computer as a genomic sequence and in the minds of people who listened to the propaganda and lies the media spread. The "test" doesn't test for the virus. No virus has ever been shown to be pathogenetic or transmissible. All vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary.

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