I think Canada and the U.S. should unite behind a common cause and that would be to fight Globalism and the Pharma-co-Bureaucratic World Government Complex. This many headed hydra has killed and injured Canadians and Americans alike. Biden(there is hope for Trump) and Trudeau persecuted their own citizens for trying to make their own health care decisions. They demonized them, sequestered them, fined them, removed their livelihoods, censored them and basically killed them in order to do the bidding of national and world "health" agencies(and you know who they are). The truth is now emerging but we have a long way to go before justified restitution is achieved. Canadians and Americans must continue to unite against these forces to secure our own liberties and health. We got rid of Biden and now Canadians must rid themselves of Trudeau(in process) but make sure you don't elect another money grubbing tyrant to take his place. Canadians and Americans have a common cause of liberty and free will and by the grace of God we, as freedom loving people can be victorious.
Yeah, I don't want to see this kind of thing escalate even though I'm not much of a sports fan. It seems like a lot of pent up aggression and emotion is being triggered, but it's not reasonable or productive. It's like warring tribes fighting for an ideological dominance rather than a sporting game. It's behaviour similar to the "mass formation" that we saw during covid. I suspect that the discord is being intentionally pushed by various bad actors on both sides of the border; in Canada the political class are demonizing Trump with his disruptive policies, using that as a wedge to unite Canadians and blame the US for our problems. The Liberals want to install another globalist and need to blame somebody else other than themselves for the mess we're in. Trump and his gang threaten to undo the massive corruption in healthcare, DEI, net Zero, etc. as well as expose the lies the ruling class has used to manipulate our population.
I'm a Canadian Citizen living in the U.S. for over 30 years. I'm very saddened by what has happened in Canada over the last several years. There needs to be better leadership that can sit down and have intelligent negotiations with the Trump administration. Coming together as friendly nations who can see both sides of the issue and come to reasonable compromise. It has been very difficult politically down here also. As an Independant now it is easier for me to have more clarity than being in a tribe that just always blames the other side. More wisdom is needed instead of booing and fighting on all fronts.
It's not so much Canadians vs Americans. It's the far left politics that Canadians embraces against the more conservative views of America. Otherwise the conflict completely defies logic.
As a Canadian I side with the U.S. against wide open borders and the free-drugs-for-everybody policy of the Canadian government
After seeing what the Castreau Canadian government did to its citizens during COVID, how it crushed their freedoms to gain an iron grip on peoples' lives, I have nothing BUT disdain - not for Canada but for Canadians - they voted for this. The way the COVID truck protesters and frontline COVID doctors (who did not toe the government line) were treated is all the evidence one needs. And while Canada may not be a colony at the moment, it won't be long before it is a colony of the Caliphate. Again, the Canadians voted for this.
Your points and sentiment are accurate, but need refinement. It is EASTERN Canada that has put the socialists (Liberals and NDP) into power the last 10 years; the huge population concentrated in large cities there votes for the “something for nothing” politics of these two parties, as is the case for all large cities in North America (after all, that’s where the freebees are). Further, it was in Francophone Montreal that the fans booed the US anthem, not Edmonton or Regina. The Quebecois play a duplicitous game of extracting Transfer Payments from the oil-rich West while looking down their noses at the redneck “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. Half their voters threaten to secede from the country of Canada, acting like a divorce -threatening wife who will leave if not placated. Maybe this is just the catalyst Alberta needs to let them do just that, while becoming the 51st state and in the process find a tide-water market for their valuable energy. Then we can be friends with each other, without the vicious next door neighbours. See Dr. Jordan Peterson’s take, a former Albertan now living in Arizona who was chased out of Canada for his unacceptable views.
The problem is most people don't understand what really happened during covid and what's happening now. This is true around the world. I don't think a lot of people voted for this outcome, most are gaslit and are afraid of the truth.
The truth about COVID was out there - even in mid-2020 - and not hard to find. And yes, people all over the world did vote for this. It's why Potted Plant Biden won in 2020 and Heels Up Harris lost in 2024. Americans finally figured it out.
I don’t think a ‘good neighbor’ would unilaterally decide to ignore a decades long trade agreement.
I think Canada and the U.S. should unite behind a common cause and that would be to fight Globalism and the Pharma-co-Bureaucratic World Government Complex. This many headed hydra has killed and injured Canadians and Americans alike. Biden(there is hope for Trump) and Trudeau persecuted their own citizens for trying to make their own health care decisions. They demonized them, sequestered them, fined them, removed their livelihoods, censored them and basically killed them in order to do the bidding of national and world "health" agencies(and you know who they are). The truth is now emerging but we have a long way to go before justified restitution is achieved. Canadians and Americans must continue to unite against these forces to secure our own liberties and health. We got rid of Biden and now Canadians must rid themselves of Trudeau(in process) but make sure you don't elect another money grubbing tyrant to take his place. Canadians and Americans have a common cause of liberty and free will and by the grace of God we, as freedom loving people can be victorious.
Yeah, I don't want to see this kind of thing escalate even though I'm not much of a sports fan. It seems like a lot of pent up aggression and emotion is being triggered, but it's not reasonable or productive. It's like warring tribes fighting for an ideological dominance rather than a sporting game. It's behaviour similar to the "mass formation" that we saw during covid. I suspect that the discord is being intentionally pushed by various bad actors on both sides of the border; in Canada the political class are demonizing Trump with his disruptive policies, using that as a wedge to unite Canadians and blame the US for our problems. The Liberals want to install another globalist and need to blame somebody else other than themselves for the mess we're in. Trump and his gang threaten to undo the massive corruption in healthcare, DEI, net Zero, etc. as well as expose the lies the ruling class has used to manipulate our population.
I'm a Canadian Citizen living in the U.S. for over 30 years. I'm very saddened by what has happened in Canada over the last several years. There needs to be better leadership that can sit down and have intelligent negotiations with the Trump administration. Coming together as friendly nations who can see both sides of the issue and come to reasonable compromise. It has been very difficult politically down here also. As an Independant now it is easier for me to have more clarity than being in a tribe that just always blames the other side. More wisdom is needed instead of booing and fighting on all fronts.
It's not so much Canadians vs Americans. It's the far left politics that Canadians embraces against the more conservative views of America. Otherwise the conflict completely defies logic.
As a Canadian I side with the U.S. against wide open borders and the free-drugs-for-everybody policy of the Canadian government
After seeing what the Castreau Canadian government did to its citizens during COVID, how it crushed their freedoms to gain an iron grip on peoples' lives, I have nothing BUT disdain - not for Canada but for Canadians - they voted for this. The way the COVID truck protesters and frontline COVID doctors (who did not toe the government line) were treated is all the evidence one needs. And while Canada may not be a colony at the moment, it won't be long before it is a colony of the Caliphate. Again, the Canadians voted for this.
Your points and sentiment are accurate, but need refinement. It is EASTERN Canada that has put the socialists (Liberals and NDP) into power the last 10 years; the huge population concentrated in large cities there votes for the “something for nothing” politics of these two parties, as is the case for all large cities in North America (after all, that’s where the freebees are). Further, it was in Francophone Montreal that the fans booed the US anthem, not Edmonton or Regina. The Quebecois play a duplicitous game of extracting Transfer Payments from the oil-rich West while looking down their noses at the redneck “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. Half their voters threaten to secede from the country of Canada, acting like a divorce -threatening wife who will leave if not placated. Maybe this is just the catalyst Alberta needs to let them do just that, while becoming the 51st state and in the process find a tide-water market for their valuable energy. Then we can be friends with each other, without the vicious next door neighbours. See Dr. Jordan Peterson’s take, a former Albertan now living in Arizona who was chased out of Canada for his unacceptable views.
All your points are very helpful. Thank you!
The problem is most people don't understand what really happened during covid and what's happening now. This is true around the world. I don't think a lot of people voted for this outcome, most are gaslit and are afraid of the truth.
The truth about COVID was out there - even in mid-2020 - and not hard to find. And yes, people all over the world did vote for this. It's why Potted Plant Biden won in 2020 and Heels Up Harris lost in 2024. Americans finally figured it out.
As a Canadian, I agree with your comments. Thank you. Hope Canadians smarten up.