What I just saw on T.V. was a gushing tribute to FEMA and all they are doing to help hurricane victims in North Carolina and Florida. The problem with that narrative is that FEMA was missing in action for a long period(claiming they didn't have the resources) while private charities, many of them Christian were the first to arrive at the storm sites providing aid. Fellow Americans will always be there when then government agencies fail.

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Yes quite true. FEMA came late and did little while people's homes were washed away and naked small children wandered in the rubble. We live in Asheville. My husband and I are ok.

but the roof on my daughter's house was caved in when a giant oak tree fell on her house. No one was hurt because they were in a room not directly hit by the roof when this happened . She had assembled the family in a different room while they were deciding what to do. This was very luckily because the tree would have possibly fallen on their beds. Churches and neighbors etc have been there with abundant food and other supplies. These people will need much more help because thousands will be homeless and winter is closing in.

Dane Wigington who runs https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org is stating that Hurricane Helene and Milton were produced with weather warfare technology. I am not a scientist but just by observing the sky the last 15 years....weird trails and strange formations that are not from a jet's exhaust have been consistently witnessed. Many theories about this....I am 74. And up until the last 1O years I never saw anything like what is happening in our skies.

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So glad that you and your family are ok! What an ordeal. And yes, we are hearing the same as you.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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Pedophilia opiate of the elites

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Biden Harris MIA

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Every time Harris opens her mouth a frog hops out.

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Thank you for your reminder about the fact that real Americans and Canadians, from let’s say the middle, will always pull together when there is need. Your brief article led me to contemplate the huge unrecognized population of individuals who work together on a daily basis, year in and year out.

My thoughts then turned to the nature of the media in general which is profit based almost to the exclusion of any other reason to exist. Considering the majority stake ownership by very few elites, the pursuit of ever increasing profits, the writing/editing is only viable if it brings a profit.

This appears to have the effect of driving the coverage of events way out toward the radical extremes of our culture, mostly exaggerating our differences and ignoring what we have in common. To “Look at the helpers” is still excellent advice because it is the real picture.

This is all quite obvious to you folks I’m sure, but I had to get it off my chest.

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Two things I've noticed is that sensational bad news always trumps good news in the media and that profit is the main driver for mainstream media as you are saying. Perhaps we are wired to notice and respond to the bad news more, although it seems counterproductive. This could be exploited by the powers that be, who may want to scare us and who surely know that fear reduces critical thinking and distracts us from reality. There needs to be a balance and a diversity of viewpoints to make a good decision but the system is profit based and agenda driven I would say.

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The mainstream media is not profitable.

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Yes, as in the CBC being funded by government, taxpayer money. But regardless of the source, money drives it. Perhaps using the media in this way is very profitable for some sponsors though. If they had to rely on market forces like viewership and good reporting merits the CBC would fail as too many are now aware of the woke political agenda they follow.

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Its not just the boondoggle of the CBC in Canada, CTV, Saltwire, talk radio stations, Macleans Mag. I don't believe any are profitable, and all are taking gov subsides to keep running. Wash post, NYT CNN are all running on loses.

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As well they should. I have seen nothing but mindless fluff and lies in most mainstream media for about a decade.

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Thanks so much for your thoughtful insights on this situation. And especially for the reminder that the families in this region will need our ongoing support! Many have lost everything including their jobs…which means that they have no income to buy new supplies, foods, meds, diapers.

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The rumor being bandied about is that this particular area in NC is home to lithium mines--a substance much in demand for the electric vehicles that the BIG CHEESES want us to drive around in. Every electric vehicle is completely trackable with specific ID's . They are made to be tracked. It is like a 'covid' vaccine for cars. It emits an ID number.

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So in order to get to this lithium...they need to get the little guys out of their houses and off their land --which being very established folk for generations--they are loathe to do. So voila! the houses were destroyed and washed away in a destructive storm the likes of which had never been seen before....What a coinkydink.

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We know we're not alone in having concerns about the relief that will be needed in months to come. We'll do what we can to keep the story top of people's minds.

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Yes. That is what every one of us should be doing. Our homes and communities could be next.

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Tampa was also targeted...perhaps because it is another Republican strong hold.

The loathsome Kamala has no chance there either. Appalacia despises the Bidens. In the past I often voted "split ticket"...Not this time....Kamala's completely lame performance on Fox the the other day signed the death warrant for her campaign. When asked what as president she would do differently from Biden, she implied she would change nothing.

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