Those who took more than one or two doses of the "vaccine" are part of a suicide cult. Coincidentally, these people also believe we are in a climate emergency, that we can survive without oil, that we need to finance and prolong war in eastern Europe, etc, etc. when these people are gone most insanity will be gone too, as long as the rest of us keep a tight grip on our own sanity in the meantime
It is a balancing act. On one hand you need to be aware of things On the other, you have to live your life by what you know to be right regardless of the insanity that surrounds you.
By definition, half the people are below average intelligence and low intelligence people tend make bad decisions. No amount of compassion will protect people from their own self destructive behavior.
You will always find people who make bad decisions and choose poor leaders. Sometimes all you can do is wait for enough people to realize the problems that their choices have created to effect a change or enough of the stupid people to take themselves out of the equation.
Look at the mess that has become of our cities. Either people will wise up and make better decisions or the cities will fail. Either way, the problems will self correct eventually. At least with a democratic system, all it takes is for the failed ideologies to to fall below 50% support and not need for everyone to figure out that things are going wrong. The craziness of the current issues of gender and sexuality? Well, they are not going to reproduce has a definite limit to the long term impact.
The worst case scenario is if they set off a global catastrophe and at least we can take comfort that the people who created the problems will be the first to go. The rest of us will just pick up the pieces as best we can, assuming that we survive.
With God, all things are possible. But you must call upon Him, repent of your sins, ask His forgiveness and begin to live your lives according to His laws. Only then can there be hope for this nation and for the world. Will anyone listen or will our destruction wrought by our own hand due to our passions and desires be inevitable?
I believe our faith in God will save us. But, save us how, when, maybe why and actually HOW? I believe many of us already know what you are telling us or your guests speak to -- what we don't know is HOW do we change it? New ethical, honest, courageous leadership will surely help, but corruption is DEEP! So, back to my first sentence. I am reading LETTER TO THE AMERICAN CHURCH by Eric Metaxas. Invite him to speak to Collapse. I think he may have the HOW!
All anyone has to do to gage our collapse is compare the intellect of America’s past leaders with that of Biden and Kamala. We are currently led by fools. Actual morons who are cleverly selfish and morally bankrupt that make our laws. What could possibly go wrong.
Before a new paradigm emerges, chaos increases; a natural pattern seen in nature, science, and all life.
I think we're seeing a necessary collapse of systems, before a new equilibrium can emerge. Whether or not we'll survive is difficult to know as the system is so complex, but all life is programmed to survive, and so I have faith in that.
Those who took more than one or two doses of the "vaccine" are part of a suicide cult. Coincidentally, these people also believe we are in a climate emergency, that we can survive without oil, that we need to finance and prolong war in eastern Europe, etc, etc. when these people are gone most insanity will be gone too, as long as the rest of us keep a tight grip on our own sanity in the meantime
It is a balancing act. On one hand you need to be aware of things On the other, you have to live your life by what you know to be right regardless of the insanity that surrounds you.
By definition, half the people are below average intelligence and low intelligence people tend make bad decisions. No amount of compassion will protect people from their own self destructive behavior.
You will always find people who make bad decisions and choose poor leaders. Sometimes all you can do is wait for enough people to realize the problems that their choices have created to effect a change or enough of the stupid people to take themselves out of the equation.
Look at the mess that has become of our cities. Either people will wise up and make better decisions or the cities will fail. Either way, the problems will self correct eventually. At least with a democratic system, all it takes is for the failed ideologies to to fall below 50% support and not need for everyone to figure out that things are going wrong. The craziness of the current issues of gender and sexuality? Well, they are not going to reproduce has a definite limit to the long term impact.
The worst case scenario is if they set off a global catastrophe and at least we can take comfort that the people who created the problems will be the first to go. The rest of us will just pick up the pieces as best we can, assuming that we survive.
With God, all things are possible. But you must call upon Him, repent of your sins, ask His forgiveness and begin to live your lives according to His laws. Only then can there be hope for this nation and for the world. Will anyone listen or will our destruction wrought by our own hand due to our passions and desires be inevitable?
I believe our faith in God will save us. But, save us how, when, maybe why and actually HOW? I believe many of us already know what you are telling us or your guests speak to -- what we don't know is HOW do we change it? New ethical, honest, courageous leadership will surely help, but corruption is DEEP! So, back to my first sentence. I am reading LETTER TO THE AMERICAN CHURCH by Eric Metaxas. Invite him to speak to Collapse. I think he may have the HOW!
Love this. Will try for Eric Metaxas.
All anyone has to do to gage our collapse is compare the intellect of America’s past leaders with that of Biden and Kamala. We are currently led by fools. Actual morons who are cleverly selfish and morally bankrupt that make our laws. What could possibly go wrong.
Before a new paradigm emerges, chaos increases; a natural pattern seen in nature, science, and all life.
I think we're seeing a necessary collapse of systems, before a new equilibrium can emerge. Whether or not we'll survive is difficult to know as the system is so complex, but all life is programmed to survive, and so I have faith in that.