Innoculation vs untruths, such as anti-vaxxer misinformation, is a great strategy. For more, see the book ‘Foolproof’

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BS. Comparing apples to rotten oranges. False equivalency, you've heard of it, right? Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald is mentally ill, demonstrates ALL of the criteria set for a DSM 5 diagnosis of "Borderline Personality Disorder", which is ultimately leading to a failed life and suicide, such as Herr Hitler's journey. Only question is how many will drink the Kool-Aid, or require being gunned down by their Dear Leader's sycophants.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome -- you've heard of it, right Doctor? Turns out, that's also a kind of personality disorder.

The article, on the whole, is measured and thoughtful. There is no support for one candidate or the other despite your wishing otherwise. You bring your own bias and binary thinking to a situation that requires transcendent thought. I think what's being asked is HOW we transcend, or are we simply left to make Sophie's Choice?

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Only a fellow resident of one of the psychiatric inpatient units I directed or cared for patients on over my 42 yr. career would see the world as you do. It's known as Folie a' Deux, where one madman so entwines another weak minded fellow to take up his delusions with him. Good luck with that. You're going to need it.

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Yeah I think I've been "demoralized" to the point that I feel like giving up. Who can you trust when you see the absolutely inhuman attempts to control free speech, spout propaganda, and remove the ability to have opposing opinions? With facial recognition, digital ID, constant surveillance coming it's going to get a lot worse I think. It's like a nightmare dystopian future where you can't wake up. Who will save us from the next pandemic, ecosystem collapse and nuclear war if the proposed censorship measures are enforced and truth is called "hate speech" when it doesn't support the technocracy? I'm on the side of truth and freedom but trust is gone for the leaders and policy makers. They didn't wake up and don't intend to stop, so... maybe the collapse is imminent.

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Joseph McCarthy was RIGHT

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Hmmm. What if the process of “demoralization” wasn’t started by some “external” enemy but the CIA? The tactics mentioned by Bezmenov have also been long used around the world by the CIA to topple regimes. And, going back to the political assassinations of the 1960s? Who was responsible… we still don’t know.

Many of us didn’t feel “United” by 9/11. The Patriot Act and the illicit wars in Afghanistan and Iraq can be pointed to as demoralizing and divisive as well, adding to a history of warmongering since Vietnam, another divisive chapter.

History and power dynamics are cyclical. Most likely the US is in a maturation crisis in which the shadow of the nation must be faced and, like a cancer, the poisonous qualities excised. But it also might be too late.

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"He stressed the importance of promoting objective truth and critical thinking by recommitting to truthful reporting and responsible education, as well as rebuilding trust in public institutions." It seems to me that there is one side of this great divide that still seeks objective truth (we know what a woman is), truthful reporting (citizen journalism is more trustworthy than media at this point), and responsible education (why so many of us homeschool). I would argue that the other side has been gleefully undermining or actively destroying all of these things Bezmenov mentioned. I don't see any plausible way to unite with people committed to that destruction. That being said, those of us who'd like to see what he describes are going to vote for Trump. Because that's the best hope for turning in the right direction.

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The situation in America is indeed at a serious crisis point. The division between people seems almost insurmountable. I have to remain optimistic that we can still turn our direction to a better, more peaceful future. Do you not see hope with RFK JR, Tulsa Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswami and others joining with Trump? I have never supported Trump, but am starting to believe with a new team of people around him, and the experience of two assassination attempts, that he truly wants to do some good in avoiding wars, shutting down corporate capture, etc. Your thoughts?

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Oh gosh, Kyra. I certainly hope you are right. Who knows? Here's pretty much where I'm at: https://collapselife.substack.com/p/to-vote-or-not-to-vote-lesser-two-evils

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