The UK appears to be sleepwalking into a digital surveillance state — willingly! Someone put a muzzle on Tony Blair and wake up Brits before it’s too late.
Back in the 60s I received my Social Security card in the mail. It was clearly labeled "Not to be used for identification purposes." In the ensuing 60+ years I have had to offer up that number myriad times, ranging from opening a bank account to getting a library card. In a very real sense that number *is* my digital ID. The only thing missing in the countless database records where it resides is my photo. My ID sits patiently in a server, waiting to be stolen by a hacker. Not only could my meager income be instantly cut off using that number, so could my access to my banks and credit cards. The UK is awash in cameras. In British television shows, the first question asked at every crime scene is "Do we have CCTV?" We're only a few years behind in camera proliferation, using cheap cameras made in China. They are connected to the Internet, but the Chinese makers promise not to be sending any of the captured data back to China, using software built into the camera (with fingers firmly crossed).
The 88% will get what they think they want. How can they still trust someone like Tony Blair? I feel sorry for the 12% that get to hide/stay away from the cameras.
They spent a lot of effort promoting how much it would make everyone's life better.
But the fact is that these cameras are everywhere and are not going away. Some I like. The problem is that a lot of them are pointed the wrong way.
I am all for recording government agents carrying out their duties. There should be no expectation of privacy carrying out acts acts as a public official. If they are being held accountable, there is much less risk of them abusing our rights and privacy.
Personally, I think for instance that the police body cams are a huge improvement but don't go far enough. I think that they should not be able to be turned off and archived for no less than a month (Maybe longer, digital storage is really cheap now.) or so by the police other than perhaps for the time that they are in the bathroom. Even then, it's not pointing at them, so maybe not. Same with their dash cameras. Same with many other officials carrying out their official duties. Baggage inspectors, customs agents, and more.
I think that all government offices and meetings should be video recorded. All their phone calls monitored. "Closed sessions" as well. I don't have a problem if they are only released by subpoena after being reviewed by an impartial arbitration board and only the relevant portions being made available to protect people's rights.
I agree with you that the surveillance camera should be turned back around on our would be oppressors. And I believe that it will be; this technology will backfire on the sociopathic Ruling Class.
In short, i believe that TPTB will lose control of the free flow of information on the 21st century internet just like they lost control of the 15th century printing press. And when they lose control, first the West will be revolutionized (again). Then the rest of the world will be revolutionized (again). But this will play out over five generations instead of five centuries - or maybe faster than five generations 🤔👍🙂❤️
With respect to novel digital technologies, I argue that Red China, for just one example, was already a perfectly well managed slave state long before surveillance cameras. At present in the West, Britain’s future slavery or freedom just might depend on Trump 2.0’s revitalization of the modern miracle of Western Christian Enlightenment egalitarian idealism (aka the Western experiment in socioeconomic liberalism, 15th century to present) (e.g. the US Bill of Rights).
The UK is in a very weird place at the moment. And Blair? Why is he even in the picture. We need a dose of Doge here to uncover what, in this dystopian facial recognition push, is in it for him.
Great article about the future control grid. I find it stunning that the majority is in favor of their own demise, and don't seem to understand the peril they're in. If there's another (fake) pandemic will they take the inhuman harmful interventions and watch their health and livelihood be destroyed? Will the added convenience be enough to make up for genocide? No, they don't see it coming, and I'm pretty sure that's by design; with a system of propaganda through media controlled by corporate interests. They forgot how we were all betrayed with covid and that hasn't been reckoned with, so the corruption, the criminals, the malfeasance remain, undaunted.
No, I will never trust the authorities with that kind of power. They showed their hand, and are unrepentant, waiting for the next power grab at our expense!
Back in the 60s I received my Social Security card in the mail. It was clearly labeled "Not to be used for identification purposes." In the ensuing 60+ years I have had to offer up that number myriad times, ranging from opening a bank account to getting a library card. In a very real sense that number *is* my digital ID. The only thing missing in the countless database records where it resides is my photo. My ID sits patiently in a server, waiting to be stolen by a hacker. Not only could my meager income be instantly cut off using that number, so could my access to my banks and credit cards. The UK is awash in cameras. In British television shows, the first question asked at every crime scene is "Do we have CCTV?" We're only a few years behind in camera proliferation, using cheap cameras made in China. They are connected to the Internet, but the Chinese makers promise not to be sending any of the captured data back to China, using software built into the camera (with fingers firmly crossed).
The 88% will get what they think they want. How can they still trust someone like Tony Blair? I feel sorry for the 12% that get to hide/stay away from the cameras.
They spent a lot of effort promoting how much it would make everyone's life better.
But the fact is that these cameras are everywhere and are not going away. Some I like. The problem is that a lot of them are pointed the wrong way.
I am all for recording government agents carrying out their duties. There should be no expectation of privacy carrying out acts acts as a public official. If they are being held accountable, there is much less risk of them abusing our rights and privacy.
Personally, I think for instance that the police body cams are a huge improvement but don't go far enough. I think that they should not be able to be turned off and archived for no less than a month (Maybe longer, digital storage is really cheap now.) or so by the police other than perhaps for the time that they are in the bathroom. Even then, it's not pointing at them, so maybe not. Same with their dash cameras. Same with many other officials carrying out their official duties. Baggage inspectors, customs agents, and more.
I think that all government offices and meetings should be video recorded. All their phone calls monitored. "Closed sessions" as well. I don't have a problem if they are only released by subpoena after being reviewed by an impartial arbitration board and only the relevant portions being made available to protect people's rights.
I agree with you that the surveillance camera should be turned back around on our would be oppressors. And I believe that it will be; this technology will backfire on the sociopathic Ruling Class.
In short, i believe that TPTB will lose control of the free flow of information on the 21st century internet just like they lost control of the 15th century printing press. And when they lose control, first the West will be revolutionized (again). Then the rest of the world will be revolutionized (again). But this will play out over five generations instead of five centuries - or maybe faster than five generations 🤔👍🙂❤️
With respect to novel digital technologies, I argue that Red China, for just one example, was already a perfectly well managed slave state long before surveillance cameras. At present in the West, Britain’s future slavery or freedom just might depend on Trump 2.0’s revitalization of the modern miracle of Western Christian Enlightenment egalitarian idealism (aka the Western experiment in socioeconomic liberalism, 15th century to present) (e.g. the US Bill of Rights).
The UK is in a very weird place at the moment. And Blair? Why is he even in the picture. We need a dose of Doge here to uncover what, in this dystopian facial recognition push, is in it for him.
They have already traded their rights for convenience . Almost every single one
Great article about the future control grid. I find it stunning that the majority is in favor of their own demise, and don't seem to understand the peril they're in. If there's another (fake) pandemic will they take the inhuman harmful interventions and watch their health and livelihood be destroyed? Will the added convenience be enough to make up for genocide? No, they don't see it coming, and I'm pretty sure that's by design; with a system of propaganda through media controlled by corporate interests. They forgot how we were all betrayed with covid and that hasn't been reckoned with, so the corruption, the criminals, the malfeasance remain, undaunted.
No, I will never trust the authorities with that kind of power. They showed their hand, and are unrepentant, waiting for the next power grab at our expense!