I strongly recommend the book “The Chaos Machine” (Max Fisher), pullitzer prize finalist, abiut this topic. It’s much worse than people know. I plugged it in my latest blog post.

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I feel like we're on the edge of collapse with the election coming, and many factors converging to destroy free speech and then freedom as we know it. Although this isn't just about censorship, I saw a great interview with Bret Weinstein on the Highwire. He revealed in detail the risks of "vaccines",especially the mrna platform and how the science has been warped. He discovered how selective breeding of mice to favor long telomeres, caused a huge misrepresentation of drug safety testing, which led to the realization that most mice studies aren't valid. After being run out of his job he was deplatformed, demonitized and censored. This story shows the depths of corruption in a very concise and articulate way, and gave me a sense of hope despite the dark implications. By questioning his own assumptions he discovered not only the most profound corruption and malfeasance but also a growing community of people willing to make a stand for truth and freedom. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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Sadly, we have a huge percentage of our population that is so shortsighted as to actually endorse restrictions on speech. All they want to do is relegate the power to silence what they oppose with no concept of the fact that power shifts and their speech will be subjected to the same kind of restrictions when the tide changes.

I am old enough to remember when freedom of speech was championed by the left and censorship was a tactic of the right. It doesn't matter your political orientation, the restrictions you call for will be used against you.

Of course under the current status quo, the outrage isn't exactly consistent. People complain about censorship in one context but are all for censorship elsewhere. Their entire rationale is based on being able to censor things that they don't like and have the freedom to express things that they do like.

Real freedom of speech requires you to allow speech that you don't like. That's harder than most are willing to accept.

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Very well stated and I 100% agree! I may not like what someone says, but I’ll defend their right to say it!

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The way that they get away with it is that they take advantage of kindness and morality.

There is no doubt that there are people with absolutely repugnant ideas that are completely indefensible. It would be better if the ideas didn't exist. Censure does not eliminate the ideas, it just masks them. I prefer them unmasked so people can see their true nature.

I think it is great when someone proudly displays something awful such as a Nazi flag. I think that the whole world should know what they think so they can be avoided, derided, and ridiculed.

Of course it might have unintended consequences. Maybe an emergency responder takes extra care and calls back to verify and go around the block a few times to be sure of the address. They wouldn't want to make a mistake and go to the wrong address.

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