"Yes, I got Covid but it could have been much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated."

How do you know that?

"If you live in the U.S. you have ~1% chance of dying in a car accident."

I'd like to see the math for this.

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The excerpt from the article states: The Covid vaccines, a triumph of science and public health, are estimated to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths. It would be interesting to see the data that supports this. I, for one, don't believe that for one minute as the evidence for the OPPOSITE has been increasing by the day. But if you are a legacy media like a newspaper that is barely hanging on for dear life funded by the likes of Big Pharma and other ideologically slanted groups, you will willingly print outright lies and unverified statements.

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This is just one facet of the problem we have. More generally, contrary to the principles under which our country was founded, the idea of "We the People" has been supplanted by elitist snobs who think that the unwashed masses are incapable of self governance.

Some is well intended and some is nefarious, but regardless of the motivation, it is a problem that we desperately need to overcome and they are fighting tooth and nail to hold onto the power that they have amassed.

The role of the medical profession is not to make decisions for us but to advise us to make decisions for ourselves and we have a large segment of the population that is willing to abdicate their responsibility to make those decisions. We also have the competing interests of those who are honestly concerned about public health and those whose goals are to make as much money as possible from the decisions made.

While it is possible that there are people who might make decisions that others might not approve of, there has to be limits as to what the government can demand of us. Especially when those same people are completely inconsistent in their views. The same people who say, "My body, my choice" want to take that choice away from others. They also promote letting children make life altering decisions that will impact them for the rest of their lives.

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