
Embracing change and walking on

A conversation with Limina Strong of the Human Responsibilities Tribunal podcast.

In the year since we started this Substack, several people have asked about how my husband and I started Collapse Life, what it means to us, and the lessons we’ve learned. I just had the opportunity to recount that history on a podcast hosted by Limina Strong, a former social worker who came to the realization that things in her world were also not what they seemed.

In the discussion, I explained that we named Collapse Life as a tongue-in-cheek nod to lifestyle magazines, such as Cottage Life or Southern Living. But instead of showcasing glossy dreams of idyllic living, we’re focused on something much more real — the changes we’re all feeling and the need to navigate those changes thoughtfully. Collapse doesn’t mean the end; it’s about recognizing shifts, adapting, and finding opportunities to rebuild.

We all grew up with promises of stability — careers, homes, and the American dream. But let’s face it: the systems we rely on are starting to crack. Power dynamics are shifting globally, technology is reshaping lives, and we’re witnessing the erosion of values we once thought were unshakable.

As Limina and I discuss in our conversation, civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history, but humanity endures. This is our chance to rethink, reimagine, and rebuild something better — not just for ourselves but for future generations. And it doesn’t have to be dictated by ‘tech bros’ or AI.

The video touches on everything from personal growth and questioning institutional narratives to the dangers of transhumanism and reclaiming personal empowerment. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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