Can't stand cereal, WAY too many carbs and lord only knows how many pesticides are in the wheat. Raising a family #cerealfree ❤️

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Awesome! Living #cerealfree! Can’t remember the last time I had a bowl of cereal but it’s been a while and I remember thinking, “yuck”

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I have no problem with throwing out the concept of some foods only being appropriate for a certain time of day. I also have no problem with having a sizable part of our diet based on grains.

That said, "breakfast cereal" is the perfect storm of bad nutrition. It takes grains and removes the actual nutritious parts, adds a bunch of refined sugars that we don't need, and then people pour on more milk that we don't need to consume and creates a meal of empty calories. To top it off, it isn't very good compared to real food.

Let's look at a relatively "healthy" breakfast cereal. Rice Crispies. Not a bunch of sugar compared to other cereals with only 8% of the calories from sugar. Why on earth would anyone eat that garbage? It isn't nearly as good as a bowl of cooked rice with a little milk and sugar and it costs five times as much. Since it isn't all dried out, you don't need to drown it in milk to make it edible. You also can use healthier options for sweetening. Add a little unrefined sugar, honey, maple syrup, sweetened coconut, or just some fruit. Go crazy and use whole grains that taste better and are healthier. There are many different kinds of rice that taste much better than long grain white rice.

It works for all the grains. People have been doing it for thousands of years. It doesn't even have to be sweet. Polenta, oats, grits, pilaf, fried rice, and more options abound. Just this morning, I made up a pilaf with a cup of cooked rice, a couple eggs, a little Mexican chorizo, sweet peppers, onions, tomatoes, chili peppers, and cilantro.

It is all marketing. Take something that is ridiculously cheap, wrap it up in fancy packaging and sell it for a huge profit when you convince people that it is going to improve their life.

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Great article, shows how out of touch Billionaires are. Cereals also very bad for your health, especially those with sugar and corn syrup .

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