Great article.

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Ah, but the real question is, when the time comes will Canadians vote Trudeau back in?

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This IS the question...

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It might be worth putting the word vote in quotation marks!

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When you examine the core beliefs that Trudeau and his administration follow, they are strikingly similar to communism. So the question is this: is a country that adopts communist ideology but refuses to call itself communist, a communist country ? This would apply to both Canada and the US which is nearly where Canada is in government behavior. As unhappy and hopeless the Canadians feel imagine if they were told that this is the case now: that Canada is a communist country with the US not far behind. Justin "Castro" Trudeau knows.

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Thanks for this timely article. It illuminates our precarious situation up here. Some of us see what's happening, and why it is, but I think the majority are caught up in the illusion of freedom and democracy. There's been a real erosion of values and liberty by outside forces and our own government. Anyone still listening to mainstream media is being pummeled with propaganda that seeks to distract and divide. We've all been had... by the media, WEF leaders, corporations, healthcare. The collapse is coming but we're easily manipulated it seems. Our own gullibility and empathy has been used against us in the covid fraud and many are still under the spell.

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Whatever happens, don't despair @lonedery2. Reality can only be warped for so long. There are many who have yet to awake, but they will. And when they do, your battle will be hard and the wounds will run deep... but those whose eyes were open all along will assume their rightful place as leaders and arbiters of common sense. And you and your countrymen and women will restore that which is right.

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“Silly to lay the blame at a particular politician” ? Really? After what Trudeau and his colleagues have done? Regime Change is needed and not just in Canada…to put the power back to the people.

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

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Well, if you feel replacing one empty suit with another is the solution to correct the course we are on, please fill your boots.

They don't teach civics in school anymore. So while your quotation from the Declaration of Independence is both stirring and accurate, it will effectively ring hollow to most ears under the age of 45. I might argue, even older than that.

The men who wrote that and associated documents, and those patriots to come afterward (men and women), were deeply learned. And they were connected to their land, to their communities and to God. But Collapse Life's interview with John Whitehead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umvSSquj8rU) will clearly demarcate that post WW2, we invited the best and brightest minds of the Nazi regime, via Operation Paperclip, to live among us in America. And we are reaping what we have sowed.

Admittedly, that is a simple (perhaps even naive) explanation for where we are at. But fundamentally, we have become that which our great-grandparents fought so hard against. And no doubt, our Founding Fathers are rolling in their grave.

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It is silly to blame a particular politician when you can just step back for a moment and realize they were elected. Do the voters have no responsibility or accountability in these regards? It is not as if any of the things the Liberals have done was not foreseeable before 2015, and quite frankly they were pushing it from the first 2009 "Green Shift" Agenda. While I will agree regime change is needed without question, do not forget that the Liberals have since 2015 the consent of the Govern'd. Perhaps people are now just reaping what they sow. Let them eat carbon tax and and stand in the modern healthcare breadlines.

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I would like to see a "by line" on all articles you publish. It's OK if it's inhouse, but give those credit who write the article. If it's a summary -- state your source(s). And maybe a little info about the author.

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Hi Joyce - thanks for your input. Collapse Life is pretty much a two-man team - we're husband and wife and we often co-author the stories together. We chose not to byline as this is really not about us. Since you're not the first person to ask, here's what we sent to another reader:

We have not hidden our identities for any particular reason, and in fact if you tune in to our podcast on YouTube or Rumble, Zahra is very much the visible host. We just decided that what we have to say is more important than who we are -- we are allergic to the narcissism we see in the world. Our goal is to build out the brand of Collapse Life to include multiple writers rather than focus it on a particular byline. We know a lot of Substacks are personal writing passions and we love those projects, but ours is a bit different.

We are both trained as journalists (though given the state of the craft, were loathe to say it) and have worked as writers and editors for more than 25 years. We are, quite frankly, a bit sickened by what has happened to journalism. So we decided to create a channel where we could produce the kind of content we'd like to read every day. It's pretty much that simple.

That having been said, some of our favorite writers on Substack are anonymous and it certainly doesn't make us trust them less. Have you discovered How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov? If you like Collapse Life, you might really like that one! Also written by a writer who opts not to identify, but (at least to us) is no less credible for it. (And if you don't know who the late Yuri Bezmenov ACTUALLY was, you should go down that rabbit hole. His interview with G. Edward Griffin is nothing shy of remarkable.)

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