April's eclipse will be a once in a lifetime event
Our podcast guest this week is a man with life experience worthy of a made-for-TV movie; he's a veteran, a man of faith, a polyglot, and an analyst of cycles.
Our guest on the Collapse Life podcast this week embodies our belief in the free marketplace of ideas. So it comes with a trigger warning… at least if you’re the kind of person who gets triggered by someone else’s deeply held beliefs. If you ARE that kind of person, you probably aren’t getting much value from the kinds of topics we try to explore here at Collapse Life.
If, on the other hand, something such as religious faith doesn’t put you off, we guarantee there will be a lot to learn — or at to least chew on — in our recent conversation with Cyrus D. Harding. This is a man with a wide range of life experiences: farmer, translator, interrogator, military intelligence officer, and for the past 20 years, cycles interpreter. He looks at patterns in nature and in the heavens and uses those signals, along with a deep knowledge of scripture, to forecast events before they happen. And so far he’s been right a whole bunch of times.
So it might be worth having a listen to what he thinks is on deck for 2024 and beyond, based on what he sees in next month’s eclipse and other solar and lunar events in the months ahead. If he’s wrong, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. And if he’s right — well, isn’t it better to know ahead of time? As Cyrus says: “Noah was the first prepper.”
Hope you enjoy this chat with Cyrus as much as we enjoyed recording it. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Watch it on YouTube (below) or on Rumble.
2045 can’t come fast enough for me. Praise Jesus!
3 Minutes without air
3 Days without water OR sleep
3 weeks without food OR information
You WILL die without sleep.
“Prepping” is/should be an everyday thing. Buying in bulk makes sense economically. Not only does it reduce the per unit costs but also reduces the number of trips to the store which saves time and fuel.
There are many everyday prepping behaviors that are just smart decisions. Keeping your gas tank topped off is one. Never let it get below half full but also, if you’re going to be bugging out, you should know where you are going, how long it takes to get there both driving AND walking. Also know how far you can get on one tank of fuel. Also have paper maps and atlas that covers your route and your immediate area.
Everyday preps are more important than a bucket of 30 year shelf life emergency food. It’s about lifestyle which means, “How are you feeling TODAY?” How did you sleep last night? How far can you walk without being destroyed? If you’re not sure go test yourself by trying to walk for 4 hours. Find a relatively easy hiking trail and go park at the trailhead. Take one bottle of water. Walk away from the car for two hours without stopping and no water. Then stop for less than 30 minutes and drink your water. Then walk back to the car. If you can do that without getting blisters on your feet AND you can walk the next day then you are halfway there. If not then you should be doing more walking on a regular basis. If you think you are going to bug out on foot then you should be able to walk AT LEAST 10 miles a day, every day, for at least a week without a day off. 20 miles a day is better. That’s what my pioneer ancestors did. If not then you should shift to a bunker mentality and get ready to fight the zombies and eat your neighbors.