I am so happy to hear that conferences like this are happening and there are health warriors out there to help make that paradigm shift happen. I recently became certified as a Functional Nutritional Counsellor and our motto is "Changing the Paradigm of Health Care". I am dedicated to raising awareness and educating people around this subject as for far too long, we have been at the mercy of the Pharmaceutical and medical industries that, unfortunately, do not have our best interests at heart. I hope to be at the next conference!

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I cringe a little when I hear anyone say we need to "restore the doctor-patient relationship". Rockefeller Medicine via Flexner report framed that relationship over 100 years ago. It featured a relatively ignorant patient (unable/unwilling to learn rudimentary aspects of anatomy/physiology) who was encouraged to trust the doctor and do as instructed. It also included a military style hierarchy (often patriarchal) of giving orders and having them followed by nurses and others.

It rewarded physicians for embracing pharmacological treatment over treatment found in the natural world. It taught those physicians not to question certain things in their medical training - the inerrant goodness of vaccinations for example.

The "healthcare" system needs a complete overhaul that includes a careful scrutiny of how we got here and how we can avoid a similar fate should the next system be wearing new clothes but continue to reek from a foul body.

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I'm so grateful and so excited to be a part of this movement. Going to absorb all I can. I so admire and appreciate all those who have stepped up for all of us.

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Loved this reminder ....If there is an upside to the COVID pandemic, it is realizing that we have more power than we previously understood to live our lives on our own terms. Taking our health into our own hands is part of that. Another part is recognizing there are still people with medical training who are committed to upholding their oath to help, or at least do no harm. Thank You

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Is there any way to watch these sessions for those of us who can’t attend? A recording?

For a fee?

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Yes, Peggy! The sessions will be recorded and will be available on the FLCCC website within a week or two of the conference for a suggested donation.

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Great — thank you!

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My health was wrecked by the broad spectrum antibiotic Levaquin. I have been gaslit by the system ever since. I was in this investigative journalism segment in 2012. Can you imagine reporting like this about the jabs?


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A parallel system is a must. I will do NOTHING the experts recommend. Forever unless major reforms happen. The only chance for that is RFK somehow winning. Which should be a no brainer. But unfortunately the vast majority of our citizens have no brains. They are smugly ignorant though.

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Brings tears of joy and hope to read about the conference. Being at the last conference in Dallas was an amazing experience of which I will carry fabulous memories of. Beyond greatful for the FLCCC's continuing commitment and perseverance!

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Is the part about compulsive smokers born out by data? I've seen several reports that oddly, something about nicotine actually had a protective effect. Of course, many smokers already have other issues so probably hard to parse.

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I really wish medpros would back off the "obesity" kick. It doesn't blame the culture that created *some* of it, and the negative health consequences for those people. No, it targets individuals as "bad," "lesser," "unworthy of respect or care." While the SAD is not good for anyone, thin and fat alike exist on it. Some, if not many, of the fat folks are genetically adipose-blessed. Further, our idiotic medpro system makes it worse by advocating low-fat eating. That alone boosted average weights in the US! Eat fat, cut carbs dramatically, and see where you end up. Some, even many, will stay fat AND reap the benefits of far better health. Eat organic and pastured, even better. Remember the US subsidizes the toxins and makes the healthy stuff out of reach for many people. Be awesome to stop blaming people for government cruelty and/ or their survival genetics!

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Glad someone finally said it! Media has created the myth thin = healthy and doctors bought in. Look closely at certain longevity studies and you'll find it's NOT the case. BTW - when has the media gotten anything right???

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We need accurate information because lying is at the core of the doctors I see and I find myself at odds with them. Trying to research on my own, but it is a lonely battle. Please keep moving forward, we need you.

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Americans are worth more to the pharmaceutical/medical cartels if they are sick or disabled.

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